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Thursday 30 May 2024

Project 24 - Battledown Flyover #8 (end of phase 1)

Considering phases of this project then this is the end of phase 1 in so far as all the 3D printing is complete. Next phase is the brick pillars, which will employ a different modelling medium. The final phase will be integrating the bridge into a landscape.

The last 3D prints to make and apply were the three top spanning girders. I am glad it is over because the manufacturing process is complex, messy and time consuming but frankly, there is no better DIY way of making a model with such high level of detail comprising thousands of rivets!

Track ballast has also been applied. This is sieved pumice grit with a sprinkling of cork granules for colour variation. Ballast is fixed in the traditional way of laying it dry and then flood with a 50:50 mix of PVA glue and water with a drop of washing up liquid to ease surface tension so that it flows easily through the ballast. When dry a black wash was applied to the track bed between the rails.

The bridge looks the part when viewed from the sides (normal viewpoint) but looking end on there is some bowing of the sides. I found it difficult to keep the sides flat as the cured resin took on a life of its own. As I have mentioned before the water washable resin used is not really tough enough to hold the shape of a model this size where thin sections are present.

By the way, the loco chimney does clear the spanning girders with about 5 mm gap.

To Part 9.

To Part 1.

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