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Friday 6 September 2024

Project 24 - Battledown Flyover #16 (Repurposed Signal Box)

Before continuing the embankment on the west side of the bridge I needed to work out the position of this odd building and make it.

There are a few photos on the web of it, all viewed from this side only. Here is an example. I could see from a 1909 map that the embankment meets this side of the building and on the other side there is a gap/walkway before the embankment continues. I assume there was a door in the building wall that side.

Originally, towards the end of the 19th century, this building was a tall signal box. By the 1960s the box had been demolished leaving only its plinth. A gabled corrugated roof was installed on this. I assume the building was then used as a permanent way store. 

The prototype photograph shows a beam sticking out from the front. I assume this was a hoist. Today the building is gone and the embankment continues across the alcove. It is still possible to see the rear brick wall poking above the top of the embankment. 

The model is made from card with decorative paper overlaid. The hoist was knocked up from scrap plastic bits. Looking back at the prototype photo the modelled brick is too red and the depth of the building a little short. Never the less the essence of the prototype is captured in the model.

On the other side of the track a little further west there was a tall distant signal and a wooden hut. These need to be accommodated as well.

To Part 1.

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