In 1970 Graham Farish published a handbook that included modelling tips and their 00 gauge product catalogue. There is a helpful illustration in the handbook of clearance dimensions for lineside objects. It specifies a platform height to be 13.5 mm from the top of the rail and set back 11 mm from the inner edge of the closest rail.
For as long as I can remember I have constructed platforms for my 4 mm scale layouts from a plank of wood. It is quick, robust and level. Using 18mm thickness available from Wickes DIY it is about the right height when used with Peco code 75 track work. Quick is true if your platform is straight but mine has to fit a complex curve, which required half a days work to make.

First I tackled the simpler Down platform. The curve was marked using a vintage compass. The pointed pin was slid out from its holder and the holder adjusted to run along the top and side of the rail whilst the drawing end marked the curve. The wood was cut with a jigsaw. When aligned with the track a passenger coach was used to check clearance and it was found that at various points there was interference. I think because of the complex curve the coach overhang the track by differing amounts. There then followed much fettling with plane and sandpaper to take out the discrepancies and I ended up with a distance of about 13mm from the rail instead of 11mm.
The platform was cut into three pieces since it spans 3 separate baseboard modules. Before doing this I temporarily screwed the whole platform in place from the underside of each module. This was to ensure when it was cut and the three pieces screwed down the linear alignment of them would be true. What I did not take into account was the width of the saw blade. An alarming gap appeared between the three pieces.

I have a plan to close the gap when the decorative layer is added to the wood.
The bridge is reclaimed from the previous build. A cutout in the
platform was necessary for it to slot in place leaving a walkway to the
remainder of the platform on the other side.
To Part 9.
To Part 1.
1 comment:
Templot can draw platform clearances for you, if you are inclined to cope with the learning curve.
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